Sunday, February 21, 2016

People Just Don't Get It.

Lat night I had a show on Talkshoe addressing some issues on different folks. Evan Jensen wanted to set the record straight so that is what we did. I myself mentioned no names at all. I am not responsible for what Evan said because I am not his mouth. No cursing was involved and the show was done in a very professional manner. About half way through the show we got a call in from E Virginia and we all know who that is. This person was totally irrational as if they were drunk or on crack. I didn't understand a word they had said. Here is the link to the show so you can listen for yourself......

Now this morning I woke up to a bunch of crap where people were attacking me on Evan's blog when I said nothing to them and you can see for yourself what was said by following this link to the Paranormal Herald......

Then I go to my blog and it seems as if I was threatened by Joe Vitale making it seem as if someone else put up a comment when in fact the IP address goes right to where he lives. Look here folks and you will see what I am saying......

As you see he states he lives in Bristol Tennessee right where the IP is coming from along with his phone. He also wrote a blog under Para Insider pretending to do an interview with a PI......

I don't know about these people but they are all nuts. Since all this is happening I had to go to the doctors on Friday and my blood pressur was high and my anxiety level was high and also I have been having panic attacks from this. You see I suffer from PTSD and they are not helping it. Don't they know if something were to happen to me they are liable for it? I guess not because they keep on going.


Wednesday, February 17, 2016

What In the World Are People Thinking?

Recently I read that there are people charging outrageous amounts for investigations. I have seen people charging up to 4000 dollars to do an investigation. What happened to doing an investigation for free and accepting donations? I myself accept donations that go right back into gas, equipment and supplies. I don't ask for a set amount or charge even for travel.

Back in 2005 I went as far as Pennsylvannia to help a family out with a problem. This cost us gas, hotel, food and supplies. Yes they did give us a donation but nothing was ever asked for. We did not split the money as a team but we did put it back into our team fund money for our expenses.

I recently went to Long Island New York where the client stated they would pay for gas which was fine but we got nothing from them at all. After seeing the financial position they were in we decided that what ever they said they were going to send for them to keep it so they could get food in the house. We are not heartless at all.

I have no clue what is going on with people/teams that have an event advertised and then either don't show up or keep the money for themselves. This has been happening quite a bit lately and it is sickening that the Paranormal world has turned to this type of action. Don't they realize that they are making it hard on others? I just wish all this BS of stealing wold stop. I believe these thieves should be put in jail for all their thieving that they do. What are your thoughts?

Friday, February 12, 2016

I Am Appalled

I am really appalled at all these people that claim to be in the Paranormal that sit behind their computers all damn day and think they have the right to trash people.

These people sit and write blog after blog on someone then have the nerve to pick up the phone and call the police saying said person is bothering them, stalking them and harassing them.

Then they go on line and drag up arrest records that are from years ago and I am talking about like over 10 years ago and puts them on line. I know for a fact that on these sites it states its only for personal use and not to be used against them in a public manner but certain people do that.

Who in the hell care what people did so long ago? As long as they are no longer doing it LEAVE PEOPLE ALONE!!!!! STOP!!!!! Don't you know all that crap is going to come back on you? Well maybe you just don't care.

These people are dangerous folks because they all come back crying poor me, they are picking on me, stop it before I call the cops and go to the courts on you.

You see I would mention names but these folks know who they are so they can deal with their stupidness.

All they are is butt hurt folks and this kind of BS really needs to stop here and now.

Thursday, February 11, 2016

What Is Scarier?

Now these days I don't know what is scarier.....the unseen entities or the people searching for them. I have seen a lot of things in my journey into the unknown within the past 20 years but none beats the people that are in this field.

I have found in this field you have so called experts, self taught demonologists, self proclaimed exorcists, thieves, scammers, bullies and people that just talk crap.

Now let me tell you something....everytime one of these types of people get caught they then turn around and begin to talk a bunch of crap about the person that confronted them. Why is that? What do they have to hide? These are good questions.

Evan if you have proof of what they did they say "I didn't do it and it wasn't me or nothing happened". You just have to watch these types of people.

Then you have the ones that teach in the paranormal field and when asked what credentials they have they don't answer you.

I am here to tell you NO ONE is an expert in this field nor is there any scientific proof in the field. If there were then there would be NO reason to search the unknown.

I just wish that things would go back they way they were before social media....there USE to be paraunity. What is that these days? Nothing because everyone knows more than the next person.

Please folks before you point one finger at someone remember there are 3 pointing back at you.

Lately What is Going On In the Para World is Just Romper Room Style

Yes folks I have noticed a big increase in the Paranormal World since the field has hit social media. It seems as if everyone wants to be on top like a big dog. There are people out here stabbing others in the back and talking a lot of bullcrap lately. These people I will call Romper Room Rejects as they have no clue what is going on in anyone's life or how it may be affecting them.

I myself suffer from PTSD and I am under attack by 4 people which I will not list any names because of this. They have made videos about both myself and a friend of mine which are just absolutely uncalled for.

In the past I have been hospitalized for my PTSD and it was based on all the bullying I was taking in my teenage years. This is once again happening and I really find it hard to believe that grown folks act in this manner. What in the hell is wrong with people?

I have also noticed that if you are friends with certain people then you get attacked. This is not right at all. We are all adults and NO ONE should tell anyone who to or who not to be friends with let alone attack them. I have asked these people to LEAVE ME ALONE but it still goes on.

Then what really gets me is that they attack me then call the police and send them to the place I am living at. You see I live with my son and his in-laws whom are elderly and don't need this. I can assure you of one thing that is I get thrown out of here because of it I will be sure to sue these folks.

As you can see I am not mentioning names nor am I calling anyone out of their name like they do to me. That is ok because like they say KARMA is a bitch and they just might have some bad Karma coming to them.

All I know that it is a crime when you harass, stalk and go after a disabled person as they have. Then they lie about where they are from when in fact I do have an IP address and that is from the USA not the UK like they claim. I am not stupid and I know exactly who this person is and where they are from.

Please folks if you come across a situation like this where you begin to fear for your life like I have been feeling don't hesitate to call the law because this is cyber stalking and cyber bullying to say the least. The worst ones are the ones I am dealing with where they do all this crap and then cry poor me when you retaliate on them.